Charlotte Charlaques Letter to the Berlin Regional Court
I reject Dr. Zandt [sic: Zutt] because, firstly, he is not well-disposed towards me as a Jew and, secondly, because, according to the enclosed photograph, everything else is superfluous. Since one has no trust in Israelites, you cannot ask me to have trust in a Christian.
For me, Dr. Abraham as a psychiatrist and Sanitätsrat Dr. Hirschfeld as a doctor are the authoritative. When I told Medizinalrat Dr. Homerich last year that, if I didn't receive the document soon, I would take my own life, he answered it wasn't his business. Where is the Christianity in that?
If I don't receive the document within a week, the untenable circumstances will force me to depart from life. If I were a so-called German Christian, everything would probably already have been dealt with. We Jews also did our duty in 1914-15. I stand here as a woman who demands her rights.
Lola Scharlach