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Legal Notice and Note of Thanks

Educat e. V.
Malmöer Str. 29
10439 Berlin

This exhibition was curated by Kai* Brust and technically implemented by Veronika Plass (uni:code). It was coordinated under the head project of "Queer Identities in Different Times" by Educat e. V. and financed by Stiftung Erinnerung Verantwortung Zukunft (EVZ).The license for the video interview with contemporary witness Kurt von Ruffin was financed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Trans*- und Inter*geschlechtlichkeit (dgti) e.V.

We would like to thank the following people for research tips, for their support in obtaining historical sources and for their expertise in answering content-related questions:

  • Andreas Pretzel
  • Clara Hartmann
  • Esra Paul Afken
  • Frauke Steinhäuser
  • Jako Wende
  • Joanna Ostrowska
  • Noah Madest
  • Noah Munier
  • Raimund Wolfert

Further thanks goes to the speakers of the letters on display, for whom audio recordings were made:

  • Kuku Schrapnell (speaks Emi Wolters)
  • Benji Petzelberger (speaks Wally Hauser)
  • Anonym (speaks Adele Haas)
  • Nana Rosenkranz (speaks Charlotte Charlaque)
  • Noah Madest (speaks _Winkelmann)

We would like to thank the family members of Adele Haas and *Anni Wündsch for private photos of the two of them, which we were able to obtain from Jako Wende.

We would like to thank the artist Tomka Weiß for his drawing of Käte Rogallli.

We would also like to thank the numerous archives and libraries for their cooperation, as well as the provision, reproduction and permission to exhibit the extensive archival materials:

  • Archive branch of the archive of the Welfare Association of the Federal State of Hesse in the Hadamar memorial
  • Arolsen Archives
  • Berlin State Archives
  • Brandenburg State Main Archive Potsdam
  • Federal Archives Berlin
  • Hamburg State Archives
  • Library of the Austrian Federal Chancellery
  • Lili-Elbe-Library
  • Magnus-Hirschfeld-Society
  • NDR (OneGate)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives
  • Speyer State Archives
  • Vienna City Archives

Additionally we would like to acknowledge and refere to the work of historians Ingeborg Boxhammer and Christiane Leidinger, which inspired the structure of this exhibition with their concepts of "forms of persecution". With it Boxhammer and Leidinger introduce a wide spectrum of repressions, which queer people faced under nazi rule and which include, but are not limited to most extreme forms of persecution, like imprisonment or murder.

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